Not just a pleasure in winter...

An original that is known far beyond the borders of Saxony. And not just at Christmas time, but whenever you want to enjoy the beautiful sides of the cold season. With the cozy warmth of our quality mulled wine, made according to the original Dresden tradition.

Experience brings enjoyment.

Our recipe: tradition.

Since the early 15th century, the Dresden Striezelmarkt, one of the oldest Christmas markets in the world, has enchanted the hearts of young and old with its fragrance and splendor during the Christmas season. Our mulled wine is made in this tradition. It is still produced today according to a recipe from one of the oldest cider mills in Europe, the Lockwitzgrund Dresden cider mill, using various fruits.

  • Our classics

    Quince meets pear.

    When the tart and fruity quince meets pear, taste sensations are guaranteed. A deliciously autumnal delight, rounded off with selected spices. Why not give it a try.

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  • Our classics

    White grape.

    A bright delight is our Dresden Stollen "White Grape". Made from the best wines and seasoned with fine spices, it is a fruity and light drinking pleasure, not only in the cold season.

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  • Our classics

    Apple meets cinnamon.

    For all those who love it cozy in winter: Our apple-cinnamon mulled wine combines the fruity sweetness of selected apple varieties with a spicy cinnamon note. A pleasure to feel good.

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  • Our classics

    Multi-fruit mulled wine.

    The Dresden Stollen multi-fruit mulled wine, made from red fruits and the finest spices, delights with cozy warmth. Not only, but especially in the cold season.

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    Our specialties

    The special pleasure.

    Our mulled wine specialties offer a unique pleasure: whether it's the bittersweet taste of aronia berry, the fruity note of pomegranate, or the delicate sweetness of blueberry. There is a lot to discover!

    Alcohol free punch

    Taste without alcohol.

    Our non-alcoholic Dresdner Striezel punch is made from fine fruit juices and harmoniously refined with exquisite spices. It is a true taste experience in the cold season for young and old alike. A typical Dresden delight for everyone, according to your Christmas mood and desires.

    Gastronomy & bulk consumers

    Also for the big thirst.

    We have the right amount ready not only for smaller gatherings. Our Dresdner Striezel mulled wines are available in various packaging sizes and forms: whether in canisters, KEG barrels or bag-in-box for stand operators, restaurateurs, and for all those for whom our wine bottle is not enough - we offer the right packaging. Please ask us!

    Submit an inquiry.


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